Sunday, May 23, 2010


After I learn some basic skills from the lesson I took, I went to buy clay, paintbrush & acrylic paint, so I can practice on my own. when I open the clay packaging yesterday, I got a shock as the clay was blue in colour instead of white which I use during my basic course. Well, I just had to use it since I've bought it... So, I begin to mould out the shape of the food I wanted, then let it air dry. Come to painting part - The colours are so off...doesn't really tally with the colour that I had in mind!! *faint* one more time... What to do? No choice, still have to use it... who tell me to buy it because it's cheap.... =_= However, even though all these happened, I'm still happy with the outcome. =D Will try to make more things on my own ^-^

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Clay Lollipop

I made this straight away after I reach home from my clay learning course. This is made using jumping clay which is different from what I learn from the course which is using paper clay. I realize jumping clay is more difficult to handle and sticks to each other easily, so beginners, don't try! I think I better stick to paper clay too. =D

Learning how to make clay miniature

Always love clay miniatures, and therefore, after considering, I decided to take a 1 day basic course to learn how to make miniatures. It was very fun and I might go for it one more time but learn different things. And I've made friend with the teacher! =D